

News 17 Sep 2019
ASOIU expands ties with Kharkiv Polytechnic University

On September 16, the Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli received the Rector of Kharkiv Polytechnic University, Professor Yevgen Ivanovych SokolThe meeting was attended by Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Vice-Rector of the University for International Relations, Associate Professor Rafig Jamalov, Rector of Kharkiv Polytechnic University, Professor Yevgen Ivanovych Sokol and other guests.

During the meeting, Professor M.Babanli provided information to the guests about the activities of the university, innovations in education and scientific achievements. He underlined that today ASOIU is one of the best universities in the country where technical specialties are taught. The University is always pay attention to the development of international relations and is content with the collaboration of Kharkiv Polytechnic University with ASOIU.

Rector of the Kharkiv Polytechnic University of Ukraine, Professor Yevgen Ivanovych Sokol noted that the cooperation agreement signed between Kharkiv Polytechnic University and ASOIU a year ago, will be continued successfully. After the meeting featuring a mutual exchange of views, Professor Yevgen Ivanovych Sokol invited his colleague Professor Mustafa Babanli to his country, the university that he leads.

