

News 17 Sep 2019
ASOIU celebrates the 15th anniversary of establishment of DAAD Baku Information Center

On September 17, the event hosted at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on occasion with the 15th anniversary of establishment of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Baku Information Center. The event was attended by the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Associate Professor Rafig Jamalov, German Ambassador in Azerbaijan Wolfgang Manig, acting the head of the DAAD Baku Information Center Hikmat Kamalli, representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education and other guests.

Firstly, making a speech, Associate Professor Rafig Jamalov greeted the guests and spoke about the cooperation ties between ASOIU and  German universities. He underlined that, wide opportunities for dozens of Azerbaijani students have been created to study at prestigious German universities. At the same time, we often invite professors and teachers from Germany to our university. The DAAD Baku Information Center has also played a special role in the expanding of scientific relations and exchange process over the past few years.

German ambassador in Azerbaijan Wolfgang Manig emphasized in his speech that relations between Azerbaijan and Germany are always good. He noted that these relations are being continued successfully in the education area. Currently, about 1,400 students are studying in Germany.

The ambassador added that, the German Academic Exchange Service Baku Information Center that we celebrate 15th anniversary of establishment, is a peace project,  an international science organization that is a sample of the German universities.This project is not as extensive and comprehensive in any other country as in Azerbaijan. We also celebrate our successful partnership through this.

Then, acting the head of the DAAD Baku Information Center,  Hikmat Kamalli provided comprehensive information about the activity of center. Other speakers also spoke about the importance of DAAD in the international education system, its contributions to science and the development of relations between ASOIU and German universities.
