

News 23 Sep 2019
ASOIU holds a meeting with first-year students of the Faculty of Chemical Technology

 On September 18 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a meeting with the first-year students of Faculty of Chemical Technology. The meeting was attended by the dean of the faculty of Chemical Technology, professor Sevinj Mammadkhanova, Chairman of the Student Trade Union Committee (STUC) Namig Ganjayev and the Chairman of the Student Youth Organization Mugaddas Azizzade.

After congratulating the students Chairman of the Student Trade Union Committee (STUC) Namig Ganjayev provided information to them about the history, ASOIU's famous alumni and current activities of the university. He then spoke about the activities of STUC, the importance of this organization in the development of young people, in revealing their scientific skills and talents. Noting that there are sections of STUC in many areas, N. Ganjayev underlined that, the organizers of “Ganjlik” song and dance ensemble, “Magnat” intellectual club, “Club of funny and resourceful people” (KVN), as well as sports club that combines 12 types of sports and other sections are students. N. Ganjayev invited the students to be active in the social life of the university and these clubs and wished them success. 

At the end, the students received answers to their questions, and were elected the member of Student Youth Organization.
