

News 27 Sep 2019
ASOIU’s MBA program marks its 20th anniversary

On September 27 the event dedicated to the 20th anniversary of MBA (BA, BBA and ZU) program of "Training of master's students and improvement of teaching staff on business administration" of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University was held.

Opening the event, Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli evaluated the establishment of MBA program as a historical success in Azerbaijani education. He noted that, for the first time in Azerbaijani education system, 5 specialties in ASOIU's BA (MBA, BBA, ZU) programs are accredited by FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation), the International Accreditation Agency and currently, preparatory work is underway for accreditation of six more specialties.

In his speech program co-founder, Professor of Georgia State University Bijan Fazlollahi spoke about the history of MBA and BBA programs. Professor B. Fazlullahi underlined that he was always proud to see innovations in Azerbaijani education and science and students' growing success.

Speaking about the idea of establishing of MBA, Director of ASOIU's BA programs, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Rafig Aliyev noted that the implementation of program was possible thanks to the grant of US State Department's National Information Agency. Aliyev stressed that the educational standards of BA programs meet European and international standards.

In her speech, Naila Hasanova, Associate Professor, deputy director of ASOIU's BA Programs, spoke about the success on MBA program over the past 20 years and underlined the work conducted on project. Then the MBA alumni spoke about the project that play significant role in their lives and shared their impressions. At the end of the event, a collective photo dedicated to the 20th anniversary was presented. At the end of the event, they have taken a collective photo.

After the official part, the event continued with the artistic part.

Notably, magistracy on MBA programs "Training of master's students and improvement of teaching staff on business administration" was organized on the basis of the joint project of ASOIU and US Georgia State University in 1998.  The regulation of program was approved on June 15, 1999.

