

News 01 Oct 2019
ASOIU holds a presentation of the monograph dedicated to the academician Azad Mirzajanzade

On September 30,  the presentation of  monograph entitled "Academician Azad Mirzajanzadeh, phenomenon of oil science" was held at AzII E-Book House of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The authors of the book are Eldar Shahbazov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and Elchin Kazimov, Doctor of Technical Sciences head of the Laboratory of drilling and cement fluids of the Research Institute and Oil and Gas Design of State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic.

The event was attended by the Vice-Rector for Science and Technology, Professor Rauf Aliyarov, Director of AzII E-Book House Salahat Mahmudova, authors of monograph, academic staff of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production (OGP) and students.

Firstly, making a report, Salahat Mahmudova, Director of AzII E-Book House, provided comprehensive information to the attendees. Then Professor Eldar Shahbazov, Elchin Kazimov, Deputy Dean of the OGP Elman Iskandarov spoke about the life and work of academician Azad Mirzajanzade and his contribution to the development of the oil industry in Azerbaijan. 

At the end, the monography was included to the base of the book house.
