

News 03 Oct 2019
ASOIU celebrates International Teachers' Day

On October 3 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held an event dedicated to October 5 – World Teachers’ Day.

Opening the event started with the National Anthem of Azerbaijan Republic, Rector of ASOIU Professor Mustafa Babanli congratulated all the teachers bearing this title with dignity. He underlined the influence and importance of being a teacher. Then the Rector of ASOIU Professor M. Babanli spoke about the history of the establishment of the International Teachers' Day and shared his memories.

Congratulating ASOIU's academic staff on the occasion of the special day at the event, Member of Parliament Aydin Mirzazade underlined that Azerbaijani teachers had always been influential, and noted that ASOIU had always many educated and such influential teachers.

In his speech, congratulating university's academic staff, as well as Azerbaijani teachers, ASOIU Professor, MP Huseynbala Miralamov stressed teachers' efforts in every gained success.

In his speech, congratulating university's academic staff, as well as Azerbaijani teachers, ASOIU Professor, MP Huseynbala Miralamov stressed teachers' efforts in every gained success.

Later, the names of 7 teachers who received awards completing teaching activity flawlessly in the 2018-2019 academic year were announced.

Notably, UNESCO proclaimed 5 October to be World Teachers' Day in 1994.
