

News 03 Oct 2019
ASOIU signs a memorandum with the Igdir University

On October 3, the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli, met with Mehmet Hakki, Rector of Igdir University.

The meeting was attended by the rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli, ASPOI's Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Associate Professor Rafig Jamalov, Rector of Igdir University, Professor Mehmet Hakki and other guests.

Providing information to the guest about ASOIU's history, international relations and achievements gained in recent years, Rector M. Babanli underlined that the 100th anniversary of AzII will be held next year.

 Most importantly,  the university welcomes this glorious history with great achievements. He added that  this educational institution was one of the best universities during USSR. 

In spite of the declines in some periods, current ASOIU's education is organized according to the modern standards and world trend. More than 14,000 students are taught in 3 languages in the baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral levels. Rector M.Babanli also said that he attaches great importance to international relations and is interested in expanding ties with Igdir University.

İNoting that he was pleased of a sincere meeting, Rector of Igdir University, Professor Mehmet Hakki spoke about the university he represents, educational process and mutual relations with ASOIU. He highlighted that bilateral cooperation with ASOIU is of particular importance to them. They witness of the rapid development of the university in recent years and giving special importance to both quality and quantity.

At the end of the meeting, memorandum of cooperation was signed between ASOIU and Igdir University.
