

News 04 Oct 2019
ASOIU holds a lecture for the attendees of media expedition dedicated to the memory of F.Salmanov


On October 3, the lecture for the Russian delegation visiting Azerbaijan within the framework of the media expedition project entitled "Oil way" was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Making a speech, Director Deputy of Petroleum Research and Design Institute, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Ahmad Salmanov expressed his sincere gratitude to the organizers for the deep respect and reverence for the memory of his uncle, Farman Salmanov. Noting that acquainting F. Salmanov's life and activity as an example to the young generation is of great importance, A. Salmanov shared his memories about F. Salmanov and spoke about the difficulties he faced in the discovery of oil fields in Western Siberia, as well as his services.

Rector of Yugra State University (YSU) Tatiana Karminskaya spoke about the project on perpetuating F.Salmanov's memory jointly with ASOIU and  underlined that he  made an invaluable contribution to the development of the oil industry in Siberia. In her speech, T. Karminskaya also noted that a number of new projects which serves science, education and development, as well as student exchanges are planned jointly with ASOIU.

Being pleased to be at AzII (present ASOIU), the higher education institution where studied F. Salmanov, Salnikov Alexander deputy chairman of the Duma of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous district spoke about the Salmanov's discoveries in his speech and emphasized the importance of his famous expression "I found oil. That's it".

In his speech, head of the ASOIU's Department of Oil and Gas Engineering, Professor Tulparhan Salavatov shared his memories of F.Salmanov with event attendees and noted that F. Salmanov, who devoted his entire life to the development of oil and gas fields, remains one of the first discoverers of the rich oil resources of Western Siberia in the history of world oil.

The participant of the media expedition, Yulia Polevschikova, a student at Yugra State University, shared her impressions about the media tour started from Khanty-Mansi district, Russia, on September 16, and provided comprehensive information about the places they visited during the media tour.

Then, ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Science and Technology, Professor Rauf Aliyarov, Rector of Yugra State University (YSU) Tatiana Karminskaya and other attendees and wrote their sincere words in the memorial book.

At the end, the attendees received answers to their questions





