

News 05 Oct 2019
ASOIU's Rector meets with the delegation of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District

On October 4 Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met with the delegation from Russia Federation visited the university within the framework of the media expedition entitled "Oil way".

At the meeding attended by the deputy chairman of the Duma of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous district of Russian Federation Salnikov Alexander and Rector of Yugra State University (YSU) Tatiana Karminskaya Professor Mustafa Babanli highlighted that the opening of the Science and Education Center  named after F.Salmanov at ASOIU and being a part of the project is important for the university. Rector M.Babanli expressed his gratitude to the delegation for presenting F.Salmanov's bas-relief to the university and noted that the memory of the legendary Azerbaijani geologist is always cherished at the university.

Rector of Yugra State University (YSU) Tatiana Karminskaya highly appreciated the opening of Science and Education Center meeting modern standards named after F.Salmanov at ASOIU, expressed her gratitutde for solemn opening ceremony and attention and hospitality shown to the attendees of media expedition. During the meeting, the discussions on the expansion of cooperation and implementation of new projects was held between ASOIU and Yugra State University.
