

News 22 Nov 2023
Presentation on Cybersecurity held at ASOIU

On November 22, the presentation of the project "Be the Future Cybersecurity Specialist!" was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) by the Azerbaijan Cybersecurity Center.

The event was opened by Ata Babayev, the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs at ASOIU, who welcomed the participants. He spoke about the relevance of cybersecurity in the modern era and called on young people studying in this field to engage in practical work and acquire deeper knowledge.

Following this, Melek Huseynova, the project coordinator for Information Security at the Azerbaijan Cybersecurity Center, provided information about the center. She discussed collaboration with international organizations, current projects, and activities, presenting a detailed overview.

Farzali Valiyev, a Cybersecurity Specialist and mentor at the Azerbaijan Cybersecurity Center, shared information about the third wave of cybersecurity in Azerbaijan, focusing on registration and conducting training sessions.

The session concluded with the answering of questions from the students who attended the presentation.
