

News 23 Nov 2023
French professors conduct seminars at ASOIU

During September to November of this year, eight invited professors from France conducted seminars at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). Specifically, Professor Pierre Collet, UFAZ Scientific Expert for Computer Science from Strasbourg University (Unistra), presented a seminar to students on "The Future of Artificial Intelligence." Christophe Serra, the coordinator of the Chemical Engineering master's program at UFAZ and a research expert who is also a professor at Unistra, conducted a seminar for doctoral candidates and university teachers on the topic of "How to Prepare a Successful Doctoral Dissertation." Cecilia Zanni-Merck delivered a seminar on "Research on Artificial Intelligence," while Igor Peretta covered the topic of "The Basics of Neurocomputing: Study of Artificial Neural Networks" for third and fourth-year students at the Faculty of Information Technologies and Control (ITCF).

Additionally, Professors François Henn from the University of Montpellier and Jean-François Stumé from the University of Haut Alsace conducted seminars in the field of Chemical Engineering. Maksim Bano discussed "GPR Applications in Archaeology: Mural of Diego Rivera and Archaeological Site of Tingambato, Michoacan, Mexico," and Marie-Claire Pierrat presented on "Importance of Multidisciplinary Research in Environmental Geosciences."

During the seminars, participating students had the opportunity to ask questions, which were answered by the invited professors. The professors also shared their experiences with the students and provided in-depth insights into the discussed topics.
