

News 02 Feb 2024
Presentation of new textbooks on industrial safety

The presentation of the textbooks "Radiation Safety" and "Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE)" took place at the Institute of Radiation Problems of the Ministry of Science and Education.

The event was attended by the Director of the Institute of Radiation Problems, a corresponding member of ANAS, Dr. Chemical Sciences, Professor Islam Mustafayev, the head of the "Industrial Safety and Labor Protection" department at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Dr. Technical Sciences, Professor Sakit Rasulov, the head of the department at Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU), Dr. Technical Sciences, Professor Fakhraddin Yusubov, representatives from Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University (AzUAC), as well as colleagues from the Institute of Radiation Problems and Anar Malikov, the CEO of the "TCS" company.

During the presentation, the importance of the textbooks was emphasized. It was noted that issues related to labor and environmental protection, technical safety, quality, and diagnostics of equipment are crucial in the manufacturing sector today. Therefore, students, in addition to receiving specialized education, should also acquire fundamental knowledge in industrial safety, occupational health, and, at the same time, radiation safety in the direction of quality, technical safety, and environmental protection in the workplace.

Starting from the academic year 2023-2024, the subject of HSE is included in the curriculum as an elective course for all technical specialties at ASOIU for the first time. It was highlighted during the event that teaching this subject is not only significant at ASOIU but also at AzTU, AzUAC, and other higher technical education institutions.

It should be noted that the authors of the "Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE)" textbook are Sakit Rasulov, the head of the "Industrial Safety and Labor Protection" department at ASOIU, Leyla Mahmudova, the associate professor of the same department, and Anar Malikov, the CEO of the "TCS" company.

The authors of the other presented publication, the book "Radiation Safety," are Sakit Rasulov, the head of the "Industrial Safety and Labor Protection" department at ASOIU, Latifa Kazimova, the associate professor of the same department, Islam Mustafayev, the Director of the Institute of Radiation Problems, corresponding member of ANAS, and Amina Mikayilova, the associate professor at the same institute.

Both books have been received with great interest and highly praised by the participants of the event, and it has been stated that they are valuable resources for both students and engineering-technical professionals.

The textbooks have been printed with an exquisite design, and it is considered appropriate to make them available to a wide readership audience.
