

News 08 May 2017
An event dedicated to the 94th anniversary of great leader held at ASOIU

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) organized an event on the occasion of the 94th anniversary of the great leader Heydar Aliyev on May 8. Rector of ASOIU Professor Mustafa Babanli, member of Parliament Aydin Mirzazade, university’s academic staff and students took part in the event.   

The ceremony commenced with the national anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan and was followed by a moment of silence to commemorate our compatriots who lost their lives in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on the occasion of Shusha’s capture anniversary by Armenians. 

Rector of ASOIU Professor Mustafa Babanli talked about the national leader Heydar Aliyev’s glorious life path and services before Azerbaijan. Rector M. Babanli noted that Heydar Aliyev was recognized in the world as a politician with a great reputation, pointing out that the country passed through an incredible progress as a result of his leadership both during USSR and in the years of independence.   

Mentioning the great leader Heydar Aliyev’s constant particular attention to science and education, M. Babanli emphasized that during Heydar Aliyev’s management thousands of young individuals received their education abroad and returned to the motherland as highly-qualified professionals majoring in various necessary fields.

Member of Parliament Aydin Mirzazade provided information on the national leader Heydar Aliyev’s glorious and meaningful life path, as well as rich statehood heritage and invaluable merits before the nation.

Speaking about Heydar Aliyev’s efforts to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict by peaceful means, Aydin Mirzazade underlined the great leader’s role in recognition of Armenia in the world as an invader. He added that the Azerbaijani people will never forget the great leader’s contribution and will always honor his memory.

The event ended with the presentation of a documentary film on the national leader Heydar Aliyev’s life and activity.
