

News 10 May 2017
ASOIU students hike to the peak “Heydar zirvesi”

On the occasion of the 94th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, a group of people marched to the peak “Heydar zirvesi” on May 6-7. Organized by Air and Extreme Sports Federation of Azerbaijan (FAIREX) and Mountaineering Extreme Sports Federations Association of Azerbaijan (ADEINFA), the ascent involved 50 participants. The students of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University Rufat Zeynalov and Jafarsadig Mammadbaghir were among the climbers.

Despite the unstable, snowy and freezing weather conditions, the march participants successfully completed the ascent to the peak “Heydar zirvesi” and paid tribute to the Great Leader. ASOIU students waived the university’s flag at the peak.

At the end, the hiking participants were awarded certificates by Air and Extreme Sports Federation of Azerbaijan for successful completion of the ascent to the “Heydar Aliyev” peak on the occasion of the national leader Heydar Aliyev’s birthday anniversary.   
