

News 10 May 2017
ASOIU and UFAZ representatives meet with pupils in Baku schools

Within the frames of promotion of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ), ASOIU representatives had a meeting on May 10 with the pupils of Secondary school No. 1 named after Namig Akhundov in the Nasimi district of Baku, Technical Humanitarian Lyceum No. 2 and Secondary schools No. 189 and No. 190.  

UFAZ Director Vazeh Asgarov, Dean of Power Engineering faculty, Associate professor Zakir Hasanov, UFAZ Academic Department Chair Latifa Nasibova and Information Technologies Department Director Elnur Safarli attended the meeting.

E. Safarli talked about the ancient history of ASOIU and provided the students with detailed information on faculties and specializations available in the university. Speaking about international programs joined by the university and the clubs (IT club, eazi START, Alumni Career Center) founded under the university, E. Safarli mentioned that there are a variety of conditions at ASOIU enabling the students to develop themselves and to gain experience. “Provision of students with employment is one of the essential points for ASOIU. The administration cooperates with a great number of companies in this direction. The obvious result of this collaboration is that currently 78% of our first-year and 97% of second-year master’s students have been provided with jobs. In the second half of the day, many of our students also undertake internships in the relevant fields at prestigious companies and strengthen their knowledge” – he concluded.

Vazeh Asgarov talked about the French-Azerbaijani University established in 2014 with the initiative of Presidents of France and Azerbaijan, stressing that the teaching process is conducted based on French programs. He also informed that upon completion of their studies UFAZ graduates receive a dual diploma (Strasbourg University and ASOIU). Vazeh Asgarov shared information about the advantages of studying at UFAZ, available programs, and admission requirements. The director also mentioned that 120 out of 141 UFAZ students study on governmental basis. Noting that the lessons are conducted in conformity with the French education system and are taught by specialists invited from France, V. Asgarov said that despite all the lessons are held in English, French language courses are also taught in parallel. “After graduating from UFAZ, you will be able to speak both English and French fluently” – underlined V. Asgarov.   

Informing the participants about the activity of a recently established Student Society that has already organized various events, UFAZ director talked about Francophonie week held at UFAZ and the students’ social activities.

At the end, the delegation answered the pupils’ questions.
