

News 18 May 2017
“Huawei” makes presentation of “Seeds for the Future” project at ASOIU

A Chinese company “Huawei” with the support of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, presented the educational program titled “Seeds for the Future” at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on May 18. “Huawei”s representations in Asia and in Azerbaijan provided the students with detailed information on the program and explained the registration process, admission requirements and testing procedure for those willing to join the program. The event was followed by a Q&A session.

Within the frames of a two-week long program, first of all, the students will be introduced to the culture of China in Beijing. They will later head to “Huawei” headquarters in Shenzhen to attend the sessions on studying the modern technologies and their manufacturing process.

Notably, as part of the program mentioned above, 25 students from 4 Azerbaijani universities will be sent to China to pass an industrial experience at “Huawei”. The main objective of the project is to enhance the youth’s knowledge in the field of IT, conduct the exchange of experience at the world’s leading company and achieve its implementation in the region.  
