

News 22 May 2017
Best public speakers of the year announced at ASOIU

On May 20 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted the final round, closing and awarding ceremonies of the Azerbaijan Public Speaking Championship 2017.

14 strongest speakers of the championship performed in English and were evaluated by professional jury members.

ASOIU student and manager of the project Kanan Mammadov informed that the competition is already organized for the 4th time and that they are proud to continue this tradition. He noted that the primary purpose of the project is to form and improve the presentation skills of the participants and turn this championship into a brand. The applicants pass through a number of stages and obtain theoretical and practical knowledge in this particular field.

Within the framework of the project, the participants firstly attended professional public speaking trainings, which were followed by a mentoring stage where the youth was prepared for the selected topics. Of all participants, only 14 received a right to participate in the final round. The selected finalists joined the master class which enabled them to be well-prepared for the final.

Alakbar Mustafayev, Director of “Youth Inc.” Entrepreneurship program, Seymur Rasulov from EBSCO, Rashad Bayramov from BP and Jeyhun Atayev from PASHA Bank were among the jury members of the final round.

By the evaluation of the board, the 3rd-year student of Baku Engineering University Rubay Samadzadeh became the winner of the championship with the topic "Law of attraction". Ayshan Aliyeva, the 11th-grade student from the lyceum named after Academician Zarifa Aliyeva and ASOIU Master's student Javid Abdurahim took the 2nd and 3rd places respectively.

It is noteworthy that the project is conducted by “eproject” group with the support of Mugan Bank, AAA Public Union, "ASAN Volunteers" Youth Organization, "Youth Inc." Entrepreneurship Program and EduHUB.

Media support: Trend, Milli.az, Day.az and AzerNews.
