

News 23 May 2017
Russian University presents ASOIU 28 kinds of rare minerals

Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) Professor Mustafa Babanli attended the II Forum of higher education institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation, which took place in Ufa.

Held on May 17-19, the forum involved 16 Azerbaijani and 34 Russian universities.

Within the framework of the forum, Rector of ASOIU Professor Mustafa Babanli met with Professor Niyaz Valiyev, the First Vice-Rector of Ural State Mining University. At the meeting featuring discussions on relations between the two universities, N. Valiyev gave M. Babanli 28 kinds of rare minerals for the collection of ASOIU’s mineralogy room.

Prof Mustafa Babanli thanked Niyaz Valiyev for such a precious gift and expressed his confidence that these minerals will help enrich ASOIU’s mineralogy room.
