

News 25 May 2017
ASOIU Vice-Rector Gasim Mammadov: “The number of programs taught in English at our university has increased”


Vice-Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University for Academic Affairs, Candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov gave an interview to Palitra newspaper.

We present the same interview below.


Could you please firstly talk about innovations at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University?

There are many innovations at the university. I would like to inform you about them one by one. Before, the teaching was in Azerbaijani and Russian languages. Now, we are also teaching in English. Last year, 15 programs were taught in English. This year, this number reached 22. Favorable conditions have been created for students studying in English to continue their education in other European universities with different international programs. The second innovation is the foundation of the French-Azerbaijani University at our university by the order of President Ilham Aliyev. This project is a first in Azerbaijan’s education. The project allows our students to study according to the standards of Strasbourg University without leaving the country borders and receive the diploma of that university. At the same time, they can obtain the diploma of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University by taking some other additional courses. The third innovation is changing the lesson hours of Master students to 5.50 pm. According to the statistical results, I can say that 72% of the 1st year and 92% of 2nd year Master students already work. 18 of them have been sent as teachers to Baku Oil Energetics College operating under our university. We involved some of them in positions like tutors and laboratory assistants. Our next innovation is involving undergraduate students in internship programs throughout the year. We have signed contracts with more than 40 industrial enterprises, and the students are accepted to year-round internship projects in these enterprises. Students go to work at those companies before or after the lessons at least 2-3 times a week. They pass a one-month long trial period. They collect materials for thesis works and those who have worked well are hired by the enterprises located close to their home. Here, our target is not only providing students with jobs. It is also applying theoretical knowledge to practice. Another innovation is about passing to new education standards. This is planned by the Ministry of Education for the year of 2018. Different works are underway in this direction and our goal is to fit our standards to European. Here, the information about specialization subjects should be given to us by employer enterprises. Of course, an employer enterprise knows what type of employees it needs. Besides all these updates, we have a goal of converting our university into Science and Production Union. I can proudly say that, for the first time in the region, Laser Restoration Center will be opened at our university. We are planning the opening of this center in June. It will be quite a ceremonial opening. The laser equipment is brought from Germany. Imagine, it is possible to repair and restore an inaccessible 3-meter part of oil equipment that is used and demolished by this machine. Experts will come from Germany and prepare our students and teachers. Then, we will finally start the production. We have also commenced Transfer Technologies and Startup at our university. Our students have a very creative mind. They even work for 24 hours. We will present the prototypes prepared by them at oil and gas exhibition and there will be at least 15-20 works. We invite mentors from Israel and Russia to train them. By developing their creative mind students will be able to establish their own enterprises after graduating from university. Thus, by involving many people in jobs they will help our state as well.

What is students’ level of learning in the teaching process? Do you face any problems among students in this regard?

Generally, I would say that some problems occur among students. And the reason of this is how students prepare and enter the university. I can say that last year the average point of students admitted to our university was 436. This is quite a high point. There is a group at the University which has 25 students. The lowest point in this class is 603. Of course, teaching process for these students is organized at a high level. But there are programs where student admission requirements are lower, for instance, 250 points from university entrance exam. In these cases, misbalance occurs in the knowledge level of students. Every teacher approaches students according to their level of knowledge. Our goal is to create a situation in which neither teachers nor students have difficulties in the teaching So, let the students study easily and teacher teach comfortably. As a result, let the necessary steps in the direction of development of education be taken.

- Mr. Mammadov, what steps are being taken towards socialization and organization of students? What student organizations currently operate at your university enabling your students to easily implement their ideas and socialize?

We have some achievements in this area. Currently, Student Trade Union Committee, Student Youth Organization, and representation of YAP Youth Union operate at our university. Active students closely participate in the social life of both our university and Republic. They successfully represent our university at the state programs and events.

Could you please talk about involving students in scientific works? Today, in what magazines and newspapers do students publish their scientific works and articles? Is there such kind of opportunities within your university?

We organize a scientific and technical conference for students every November. The largest number of students attending the conference is from our university. We accept student applications from other universities too. Students applying for the conference are discussed at Student Scientific Society before the conference. Recommended speeches are sent to the scientific and technical conference of the University. At the conference, discussions are carried out in different sessions and they are evaluated by the jury anonymously. Reports and essays evaluated by the jury are published in our printing house. At the end, they are given to all participants for free. Besides this, our Master students successfully take part in the scientific and technical conference held at SSU once a year.

- Does your university have any student exchange programs with local and foreign universities?

Currently, we have very active student exchange programs. I am pleased to inform that our students have been sent to study at Leicester University of the UK, Middle East Technical University of Turkey, and Ziagen University of Germany for 1 or 2 semesters through student exchange programs. The credits they receive are accepted according to our education plans. We have student exchange programs with ASPU and AMU within the Republic.

- Could you please talk about scientific works of teachers and professors?

After Mustafa Babanli was appointed the rector in 2015, the university has started the new phase of its life. A new scientific approach method was put for teachers. We also stimulate teachers in this way: “If articles of teachers are published in “Thomson Reuters”, “Scopes” magazines, professors, assistant professors, senior teachers, and assistants will get an additional amount of 400, 300 and 200 AZN to their salaries.” I want to mention another point that teachers whose two or more articles are published in those magazines will have only 500 hours of lessons a year. However, the average teaching hours at our university are 650. We do this with the target of creating opportunities for teachers to be engaged in large scientific activities. It should be noted that we have an “Evaluation scale”. Teachers meeting requirements of that scale can continue teaching in the next 5 years. Teachers who do not meet the requirements can only teach with orders.

- In which conditions are the scholarships given to students? Which scholarships have you got besides those?

- From last February, scholarships are defined according to the overall average achievement of students during the semester by the decree of President. Students studying both on the governmental basis and paid basis are equal at these scholarships. The students with the best indicators receive scholarships. The number of students with a high average indicator must be equal to students studying on a governmental basis. Students with paid basis may also be considered. There are scholarships which are given by the state. We have established scholarships named by the decision of the Academic Council. They are named after Khoshbakht Yusifzade, Ismayil Ibrahimov and Agha Akhundov. A scholarship has been created after the name of two brothers recently. They are academician Mammadpasha Guluzade and professor Israfil Guliyev. In general, many scholarships were founded at our university. The Bachelor and Master students benefit from them. Scholarships are given to students for their overall average indicator and by the decision of the special commission.

What can you say about Doctorate students studying at your university?

- You mentioned a very good point. Only 21 places were offered for Ph.D. last year. However, in this academic year, we have accepted doctorates for 71 specialties. We are planning to increase this number to over 100 in the next academic year. The average age of the academic staff at our university is 65. Indeed, the staff is in need of rejuvenation. We need creative young teachers. We are thinking to replace elderly teachers with young doctorate students. I can say with confidence that the admission to Ph.D. is carried out transparently. Now, there is a great interest in science among the youth. Therefore, there are all conditions created for them.

Do your students attend the international events taking place in the country and are you satisfied with the result?

- Yes, they do and we are satisfied. I can tell you that students of ASOIU are at the third place after BSU and UNEC at Islamic Solidarity Games. More than 1400 of our volunteers are actively participating in the Islamic Games. Our volunteers also took the third place at other international events held before these games.

