

News 02 Jun 2017
Rector of ASOIU meets with Ambassador of Iraq to Azerbaijan and President of the Iraq North Oil Company

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Iraq to the Republic of Azerbaijan Dr. Fadhil Awad Jebur al-Shuwai and the President of the North Oil Company of Iraq’s Ministry of Oil visiting the country within the framework of the 24th International Caspian Oil and Gas Exhibition, Farid J. Sadik Al-Jadir met on June 2 with Professor Mustafa Babanli, Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Discussions on cooperation and relations in education between the two countries and negotiations on engaging Iraqi youth to study at ASOIU and other issues were featured at the meeting. Saying he is happy to welcome the guests at the university, Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli talked about the teaching process at ASOIU, faculties and Iraqi students of the university. Speaking about ASOIU’s student statistics by years, Rector noted that currently, the university has 88 Iraqi students studying with the support of the Ministry of Iraq. The Rector stressed that 76 of them study at the preparatory division, whereas 10 receive Bachelor’s degree and 2 study Doctorate’s degree.

“Presently the university conducts teaching in 3 languages. In comparison with the previous years, the number of Iraqi students for 2016/2017 academic year has increased. I should also note that ASOIU implements preparation of specialists not only in the field of oil but also in other sectors of the industry. We always highly appreciate Iraq’s relations with the university as an oil country. We want to train specialists on the basis of programs needed by your country. Therefore we must prepare these programs together” – said Rector M. Babanli. He thanked Mr. Ambassador for his support in the direction of promoting ASOIU in Iraq.

Ambassador Dr. Fadhil Awad Jebur al-Shuwai congratulated ASOIU’s staff on the occasion of Holy Ramadan. The Ambassador said that ASOIU pays close attention and care to its Iraqi students, stressing that the university has a great importance for Iraq.

Saying that the cooperation with ASOIU is always of particular significance, the Ambassador expressed his belief that the number of the university's Iraqi students will even increase.

President of the North Oil Company of the Iraq Ministry of Oil F. Sadik Al-Jadir said he is pleased to meet with the staff of a prestigious higher education institution like ASOIU. Noting that Iraq’s Ministry of Oil is interested in cooperation with leading universities of Azerbaijan in this particular field, F.Sadik Al-Jadir stated that they will put all the efforts to support the development of these relations in the future.

At the end of the meeting, the guests visited the French-Azerbaijani University functioning under ASOIU.
