

News 02 Jun 2017
Admission requirements to French-Azerbaijani University announced

Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University Professor Mustafa Babanli and Ambassador of the French Republic to the Republic of Azerbaijan Mrs. Aurelia Bouchez held a press conference on June 2 regarding the admission requirements to the French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ).

Rector of ASOIU Professor Mustafa Babanli gave information about achievements of UFAZ in the first academic year and talked about the university’s future perspectives. According to the Rector, only the prospective students that gained 500 or more points during state examination organized by State Examination Center in group 1, can take part in the recruitment examination created by the University of Strasbourg.

He noted that the admission will be based on the results of the competition conducted by the UFAZ commission: “Online registration is from June 12 to July 17, while the registration for the second exam participants is until 23:00, July 24-25. The examination date is July 27”.

Rector M. Babanli added that the admission plan for the following academic year is 160 places: “120 people will study on governmental basis, whereas 40 – on paid basis. If there any free spaces left, we will provide an opportunity for foreign students to study on paid basis”.

Rector M. Babanli noted that teaching at UFAZ is held on Chemical engineering, Oil and gas engineering, Geophysical engineering and Computer science, stressing that the youth studies by education standards of France. Rector said that upon completion of their studies, students will obtain double diplomas, and those with high academic results will be sent to attend a summer school in France free of charge. M. Babanli also pointed to the interest of a great number of French and Azerbaijani companies in UFAZ.

Ambassador of the French Republic to Azerbaijan Aurelia Bouchez stated that within one year of functioning, a number of measures were taken for management of UFAZ, adding that the first session of the management committee was held in March 2017.

Noting the high interest of France’s various state enterprises in UFAZ, the joint project of two countries and three universities, Aurelia Bouchez talked about achievements of UFAZ within one year. Mrs. Ambassador pointed out that international students and ASOIU’s most successful students will be able to study at UFAZ as of the following years.

“The admission plan for the next academic year is 160 places: “120 people will study on governmental basis, whereas 40 – on paid basis. Besides, we want to bring together educated and highly-intelligent young people. Therefore, students who wish to study at UFAZ should gain 500-700 points in group 1 exam. Tuition fee will be 3 thousand manats. Students can get admitted to the university through the exam that is going to be held on July 27” – said Mrs. Ambassador.

The French diplomat added that 40 students of UFAZ will be sent to the University of Strasbourg on July 2-16. At the end, the media representatives received answers to their questions.

The press conference was followed by open days at UFAZ. The event was attended by the Rector of ASOIU Professor Mustafa Babanli, UFAZ Director Vazeh Asgarov, UFAZ General Secretary Charlotte Payen, prospective students of UFAZ and their parents.

Rector of ASOIU Prof Mustafa Babanli provided the participants with detailed information on UFAZ.

The event participants also watched a video about UFAZ. 

UFAZ Director Vazeh Asgarov, UFAZ General Secretary Charlotte Payen gave information about UFAZ admission requirements, competition requirements, teaching programs and other issues.

At the end, prospective students and their parents asked their questions.
