

News 05 Jun 2017
Renowned Russian scientist pays a visit to ASOIU

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University held a meeting on June 5 with Nikolai Zapivalov, famous Russian scientist, Professor at A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics.

The meeting was attended by ASOIU’s Vice-Rector for science and technology (for scientific affairs), Doctor of Technical Sciences Rauf Aliyarov and academic staff of the Faculty of Geological Exploration.

Rauf Aliyarov said that he is pleased to have the guest at the university and underlined ASOIU’s interest in his works and scientific research in the field of geological exploration.

Nikolai Zapivalov thanked Rector, Prof Mustafa Babanli, and the university administration for the invitation. Informing the participants about his life and activity, N. Zapivalov noted that he is proud to speak in front of ASOIU staff.

Pointing out that a large part of his activity is dedicated to the exploration of Siberian oil, the Russian scientist shared his memories about Farman Salmanov, famous Azerbaijani geologist, graduate of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, the first explorer of rich oil and gas fields in Western Siberia.

At the end of the event, N. Zapivalov made a presentation of author’s conceptions. 
