

News 28 Jun 2017
Rector of ASOIU meets with Rector of the University of Valenciennes, France

Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) Professor Mustafa Babanli met on June 28 with Pr. Abdelhakim Artiba, Rector of the University of Valenciennes, France, Pr. Sebastien Grondel, Vice-President for International Cooperation, and Arnaud Huftier, Vice-President for Culture and Art.

At the meeting featuring discussions on international communications and joint cooperation, the sides held talks about areas of possible cooperation in this direction. Saying ASOIU is proud of cooperation within the frames of UFAZ, the most successful project of the French and Azerbaijani universities, Rector of ASOIU Professor Mustafa Babanli noted that he is always ready and attaches high value to start the collaboration with other French universities.

Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli provided the guests with detailed information about ASOIU’s history, international communications, and currently conducted reforms, stressing that UFAZ involves Azerbaijan’s most educated young people.

“Today, we are extremely proud of UFAZ. This is a great project not only in Azerbaijan but the region as well. I wish this cooperation broadens further and we start to collaborate with other higher education institutions of France” – said Rector, Professor M. Babanli.

Pr. Abdelhakim Artiba, Rector of the University of Valenciennes, informed the participants about some common interests with ASOIU, noting that to them international cooperation is always of particular importance. Talking about the teaching process, cooperation ties, financial and technical base and other areas of the university that he chairs, Rector Pr. Abdelhakim Artiba also pointed to the significance of collaboration with ASOIU.

“We prepare specialists in existing industrial sectors which are mainly technical and transport areas. We would like to collaborate with your university in the technical area” – said Pr. Abdelhakim Artiba.

Later, the sides highlighted the importance of cooperation to achieve dynamic development in the world and discussed the areas of possible cooperation. The role of startup projects in this direction was specifically highlighted, and the importance of cooperation in Startup was stressed.

At the end of the event, the guests were presented with a gift on behalf of the university.
