

News 30 Jun 2017
Best students of ASOIU awarded for excellence in education

The awarding ceremony of the best students for excellence in education in 2016/2017 academic year was held on June 30 at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Making an opening statement, Chairman of the Student Trade Union Committee Namig Ganjayev gave information about the success of students who have played a significant role in the social life of the university and worthily represented ASOIU in international and national contests and Olympiads held among universities. Throughout the year “Ganjlik” song and dance ensemble, “Who? Where? How?”, football and basketball teams of ASOIU have decently represented the university and became winners, was noted at the event.

Rector of ASOIU Professor Mustafa Babanli awarded 11 best students with a certificate of appreciation and 9 graduates with an honorary certificate. Speaking about the role of students in the life of the university, Rector M. Babanli congratulated the young people and wished them luck in their future endeavors.

“You are the most dignified students of our university. There is honor in any hard work. You have coped with this difficulty with honor. Today, AzII is alive because of its alumni. I wish you best of luck and a right choice” – said Rector, Professor M. Babanli.

Then, the students expressed their gratitude to Rector Mustafa Babanli for the created transparent and high-quality teaching conditions.
