

News 03 Jul 2017
Delegation of “Gazprom” visits ASOIU

Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) Professor Mustafa Babanli met on July 3 with the delegation of Russian company - “Gazprom”. Rector M. Babanli provided the guests with detailed information on the university’s history, teaching process, foreign students, international cooperation and the French-Azerbaijani University. He spoke about the measures which should be taken to build and broaden the cooperation with “Gazprom”. During the meeting, the sides held discussions related to the extraction of offshore gas, preparation of specialists at the Industrial Enterprises Staff Development and Retraining Institute functioning under ASOIU, conduction of joint research, involvement of the company's employees in second higher education at ASOIU. 

Head of “Gazprom”s delegation, Andrey Balobin noted that they attach great importance to cooperation with ASOIU which will undoubtedly stimulate the development of both sides. It was also stressed at the meeting that “Gazprom”s experience might be beneficial in future activities of the university. 

The meeting was followed by the demonstration of a slideshow about 22 various courses by subject and duration in each direction at the Industrial Enterprises Staff Development and Retraining Institute.
