

News 07 Jul 2017
Rector of ASOIU is attending the Vienna meeting of the International Association of University Presidents

Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University Professor Mustafa Babanli is in Austria to attend the Vienna conference of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP). The new board of directors of the organization was determined at the event held between July 5-8. Kakha Shengelia, Rector of Caucasus University (Georgia), will take over the three-year presidency of the IAUP, whereas the Secretary-General will be Gerald Reisinger, Rector of Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences.

Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Professor Mustafa Babanli has been offered to be the regional chair of the association at the new development period of the IAUP, as well as to host the international conference as part of the organization in Baku in the spring of 2018.

At the event attended by over 200 university rectors from Europe, America, Asia, and Africa, Mustafa Babanli held numerous meetings, discussed bilateral cooperation with a number of educational institutions and reached concrete agreements with some of them.
