

News 10 Jul 2017
ASOIU signs cooperation agreement with Yugorsk State University, Russia

Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) Professor Mustafa Babanli met on July 10 with Associate Professor Roman Shamilievich, Deputy Vice-Rector for academic affairs at Yugorsk State University, Russia.

At the meeting featuring discussions on cooperation directions between the universities, the sides held talks about the joint preparation of specialists in the oil and gas field, student exchange and other topics.

Rector of ASOIU Professor M. Babanli provided the guests with detailed information on the majors taught at the university, international cooperation and foreign students. Talking about close cooperation ties with Russian universities, Rector, Professor M. Babanli stressed the importance of implementing joint startup projects to broaden these links.

Rector M. Babanli noted that the university strives to prepare specialists not only in the oil and gas field but also in other directions of the industry in conformity with the requirements of the modern world. He stressed the significance of cooperating in particular direction and strengthening the relations in the oil and gas and IT fields.

Delivering extensive information about the university that he represents, Deputy Vice-Rector for academic affairs at Yugorsk State University, Russia Associate Professor Roman Shamilievich said that they have enough experience in training of specialists, mentioning ASOIU's distinguished alumni as Farman Salmanov. Noting that they are ready for all kinds of cooperation with ASOIU, R. Shamilievich pointed to the significance of starting the cooperation in concrete directions.  

At the end of the meeting, the sides signed a cooperation agreement.
