

News 24 Jul 2017
Open days regarding the admission to UFAZ held at ASOIU

“Open days” regarding the admission to the French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ) took place at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University on July 24.

The event was attended by Rector of ASOIU Professor Mustafa Babanli, UFAZ Executive Director Vazeh Asgarov, UFAZ General Secretary Charlotte Payen, Vice-Rector of the University of Strasbourg and UFAZ General Advisor for physics Philippe Turec, UFAZ Coordinator at the University of Strasbourg Eckhart Hötzel, as well as prospective students and parents.

The event commenced with the demonstration of a film about UFAZ. Following the film, UFAZ Executive Director V. Asgarov explained the acceptance of documents and examination procedures at UFAZ.

160 places have been allocated for students’ admission for the upcoming academic year, said UFAZ General Secretary C. Payen. She talked about the first France-Azerbaijan Job and Career Fair, UFAZ summer school and the opportunities they offer the Azerbaijani youth. She also shared detailed information about the teaching process, specializations, student life, taught programs and foreign teachers of UFAZ.

Speaking about the interest in UFAZ and education based on European standards, Rector of ASOIU Professor M. Babanli provided the prospective students willing to study at UFAZ and their parents with detailed information on the university and education process.

At the end of the event, the participants received answers to their questions.
