

News 26 Jul 2017
Delegation of Almetyevsk State Oil Institute visits ASOIU

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a meeting with the delegation of Almetyevsk State Oil Institute of Tatarstan Republic on July 26. ASOIU’s Vice-Rector for academic affairs Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, Vice-Rector for science and technology (scientific affairs) Associate Professor Rauf Aliyarov, Vice-Rector for educational affairs Associate Professor Ata Babayev and the delegation led by Robert Zagitovich, acting Rector at Almetyevsk State Oil Institute.

The meeting featured discussions on cooperation directions between the two universities, as well as talks about innovations, strategies, and exchange of experience.

ASOIU’s Vice-Rector for academic affairs Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov provided the guests with detailed information on ASOIU’s teaching process, faculties, statistical data, international communications, second higher education, startup school, startup projects, foreign students and the French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ) that has already been functioning under the university for a year. Associate Professor G. Mammadov talked about the newly established Laser Center, underlining that ASOIU’s primary target is to become a scientific and research center.

ASOIU’s Vice-Rector for science and technology (scientific affairs) Associate Professor Rauf Aliyarov noted that the university’s main strategy is to improve the quality of education. In this regard, foreign teachers are invited, and the academic staff is examined every five years. Another strategy of the university is the provision of students and graduates with jobs, said R. Aliyarov and talked about the Alumni and Career Fair held at ASOIU, stressing that 92% of the university’s Master’s students are employed by various enterprises. ASOIU is the 3rd in the Republic in employment assistance following Azerbaijan National Conservatory and Azerbaijan State Culture and Art University, he noted.

Acting Rector at Almetyevsk State Oil Institute Robert Zagitovich shared detailed information about the university that he directs. He stressed that the represented by him educational institution takes the 5th place among 34 oil and gas higher education establishments of Russia. The university’s core purpose is to become a leading technical educational institution, said R. Zagitovich, stating that the university has the highest indicator among all higher education institutions in Russia with 95% of recruited students. To decide on future works and determine the cooperation directions R. Zagitovich invited ASOIU’s management board to take part in the international conference to be held in October and visit Almetyevsk State Oil Institute.

Following the delivering of memory gifts, the delegation visited ASOIU’s history museum.
