

News 27 Jul 2017
UFAZ entrance examination held at ASOIU

The entrance examination to the French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ) was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on July 27.

Deputy Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov, Deputy Head of Apparatus and Head of the Department of Science, Higher and Secondary Education at the Ministry of Education Yagub Piriyev, Vice-Rector of the University of Strasbourg Philippe Turec, UFAZ Executive Director Vazeh Asgarov, UFAZ General Secretary Charlotte Payen, as well as media representatives followed the examination process. 

428 prospective students gaining more than 500 points during centralized entrance examination organized by the State Examination Center in group 1 had been registered to take part in UFAZ recruitment examination. A total of 160 students per each specialization – 120 on governmental basis and 40 on paid basis – are expected to study at UFAZ.

The examination process continued from 10 am to 12 pm. During the examination, the applicants answered 10 multiple choice questions from each discipline being mathematics, chemistry, physics and general scientific knowledge proper to the language of their general studies (Azerbaijani or Russian) and wrote a grammatical exercise and an essay in English.   

The exam results will be announced on the 28th of July.

Notably, teaching at UFAZ is conducted on 4 specializations – geophysical engineering, chemical engineering, computer science, oil and gas engineering. Upon completion of their studies, UFAZ graduates will obtain two diplomas (Strasbourg University and ASOIU). 

Following the examination process, representatives of the University of Strasbourg at the end answered the questions of the journalists. The representatives expressed their satisfaction with the examination process and spoke about innovations to be conducted at UFAZ as of the new academic year, UFAZ new building and other plans.
