

News 01 Aug 2017
Official opening ceremony of “ASOIU Summer School 2017”

The official opening ceremony of “ASOIU Summer School 2017”, jointly organized by the International Cooperation Office of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), was held on July 31. ASOIU and DAAD officials, representative of the Embassy of Germany in Azerbaijan, SOCAR staff, as well as students selected for the summer school took part in the event.

Making an opening statement, Jamila Ismayilzada, Head of ASOIU International Cooperation Office, thanked everyone who had put efforts for the organization of “ASOIU Summer School 2017”. Sharing a brief information about the summer school program, J. Ismayilzada noted that attended by a total of 21 students from Germany, Turkey, Peru, Italy and Azerbaijan, the summer school will feature presentations of participants on “Post-Oil Economy”. Besides, employees of SOCAR, BP, Center for Strategic Studies and other companies will deliver topic-related lectures. Alongside with academic part, the summer school will also include cultural events organized for the participants. Thus, they will conduct excursions to the Sangachal terminal, the world’s first industrially drilled oil well in Bibi-Heybat, Icherisheher, Heydar Aliyev Center, as well as a trip to Sheki.

ASOIU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov said that the presentations and suggestions that will be put forward in the summer school on the topic of “Post-Oil Economy” are vital for the country’s economy, especially during the development phase of the non-oil sector. Organizing cultural activities during the summer school is of great importance for the foreign students to explore Azerbaijan’s historical places, become acquainted with its customs and traditions, said Gasim Mammadov.

Stefanie Dufaux, Head of DAAD Information Center in Baku, said the organization of “ASOIU Summer School 2017” will contribute to the further fortification of relations between ASOIU and DAAD. Expressing her gratitude to Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli for his continuous support in the organization of this type of projects, S. Dufaux noted her confidence in the sustainability of such events.

The event was later followed by a non-official part.

Notably, “ASOIU Summer School 2017” is being held from July 31 to August 11 in the Republican Humanitarian Subjects Gymnasium named after A.S. Makarenko in Shuvalan settlement. All financial costs of the summer school have been covered by DAAD.
