

News 14 Aug 2017
“ASOIU Summer School 2017” has ended

Organized by the International Cooperation Office of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), “ASOIU Summer School 2017” has successfully ended.

Held from the 31st of July through to the 11th of August, the summer school was attended by 21 students from Germany, Turkey, Peru, Italy and Azerbaijan who took part in lectures by local specialists on “Post-Oil Economy” and made topical presentations. 

Alongside with academic part, the summer school also included cultural events. Thus, the participants visited the Sangachal terminal, the world’s first industrially drilled oil well in Bibi-Heybat, Icherisheher, Heydar Aliyev Center and conducted a field trip to Sheki.

Jamila Ismayilzada, Head of ASOIU’s International Cooperation Office, said “ASOIU Summer School 2017” was successful. The participants attended different lectures and various cultural programs within two weeks and left our country with valuable knowledge about Azerbaijani economy and culture. J. Ismayilzada noted that they are planning to hold the summer school next year as well.

Notably, “ASOIU Summer School 2017” was held from July 31 to August 11 in the Republican Humanitarian Subjects Gymnasium named after A.S. Makarenko in Shuvalan settlement. All financial costs of the summer school had been covered by DAAD.
