

News 16 Aug 2017
To the attention of prospective students admitted to ASOIU!

Registration of prospective students admitted to Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University has begun.

The registration will be conducted from 15th to 25th of August from 09:00 to 17:00 (except for Saturdays and Sundays).

Documents required for the registration of prospective students admitted to ASOIU:

1. Transcript (original and copy)
2. Copy of ID (5 copies)
3. 6 colored photos (3x4 cm)
4. Curriculum Vitae (original and copy)
5. Health certificate with a photo (original and copy)
6. Original and copy of call-up card for military service (for boys only)
7. Student's SEC number
8. Payment (full) of tuition for those admitted to paid programs
9. SEC exam result (2 copies) https://eservices.dim.gov.az/erizebak/musabiqe1/ 

- Documents should be submitted in a separate folder.
