

News 30 Aug 2017
ASOIU to host 3rd International Turkic World Conference on Chemical Sciences and Technologies

The 3rd International Turkic World Conference on Chemical Sciences and Technologies jointly organized by Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University and Sakarya University of the Republic of Turkey will take place in Baku between 10-13 September, 2017. Hosted by ASOIU, the international conference is expected to gather about 300 scientists from Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia, including Tatarstan and Bashkortostan Republic, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Pakistan and other countries. The international conference, as well as the seminars to be organized as part of the conference, along with the current situation of chemical sciences and technologies, will also feature reports and presentations on recent scientific achievements and modern development tendencies in this area.

The main goal of the 3rd International Turkic World Conference is to bring together experts in universities, institutions, communities, agencies and other organizations to provide them a unique platform for sharing worldwide ideas in chemical sciences and technologies.

To introduce the participants of the international conference to Azerbaijan’s history, tradition and hospitality, the scientific program has been enriched with numerous cultural and social activities. The trips to “Gala” State Historical Ethnographic Reserve, “Ateshgah Temple” State Historical and Architectural Reserve, Gobustan State Historical Artistic Reserve or Gabala will be organized depending on the desire of participants.  
