

News 11 Sep 2017
Message of the participants of the 3rd International Turkic World Conference on Chemical Sciences and Technologies to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan His Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev

Dear President! Declaring 2017 as a “Year of Islamic Solidarity” in the Republic of Azerbaijan was a remarkably vital and historical decision on the background of events happening around the globe and in the Islamic world in particular. Observation of the development tendency which relies on cooperation and partnership principles in the geography of Turkic-speaking countries during the time when solidarity is in great demand in the Islamic world is a wealth gained and preserved by the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Turkey and other Turkic-speaking states. The 3rd International Turkic World Conference on Chemical Sciences and Technologies which began its activity prior to the visit of the President of the Republic of Turkey His Excellency Mr. Rajab Tayeb Erdogan is just a small contribution that we want to make to brotherhood and unity of the Turkic world, that you have achieved together with the heads of Turkic-speaking states.

Mr. President! Successful economic reforms, oil and gas policy implemented under your leadership and targeted at providing better living conditions for people, your strategy directed to the development of the non-oil sector and formation of highly-qualified human capital, as well as your noble-minded and far-sighted activity that serves for the integrity of the Turkic world also impose certain responsibilities upon us, scientists-chemists. The 3rd International Turkic World Conference on Chemical Sciences and Technologies provides a unique platform which brings together institutions on chemical sciences and technologies and is of great significance in terms of analyzing current situations in this field and determining modern development tendencies. The gigantic infrastructure projects founded by the national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev have been implemented under your leadership. These projects have united the Caspian and Mediterranean seas, Europe and Asia, and the ancient Silk Road has finally become a reality.

Your Excellency! As is stressed by you, Turkic world is a great world and we, as the scientists of the Turkic world, support your activity in this area and will spare no effort in our scientific research and achievements to ensure its successful continuation.
