

News 14 Sep 2017
ASOIU signs a cooperation contract with Malakand University

Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) Professor Mustafa Babanli met on September 14 with Prof. Dr. Rashid Ahmad, Head of Chemistry Department at Malakand University, Pakistan, as well as Vice-President of the Chemical Society of Pakistan.

Rector of ASOIU Professor Mustafa Babanli informed the guest about university’s history and latest reforms conducted in the institution.

Talking about the university’s educational process, international relations, foreign students, Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) under ASOIU, Rector, Prof Mustafa Babanli also provided the guest with information on “eazi START” Startup and Innovation Center, daily internship programs and other innovations.

Expressing his gratitude to Rector for the warm welcome, Prof. Dr. Rashid Ahmad talked about the university he represents. Emphasizing the significance of cooperation with ASOIU, R. Ahmad expressed his confidence in further strengthening of these relations.

The meeting also featured discussions regarding the student and teacher exchange between the two universities. At the end of the meeting, the sides signed a cooperation contract. Rector of ASOIU Professor M. Babanli presented a memory gift to the guest.  
