

News 26 Oct 2023
Seminar on "First Day Offshore" held at ASOIU

On October 26, a seminar on the topic "First Day Offshore" was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) by Turan Drilling & Engineering company.

The seminar was attended by Barrie Wainwright, Rig Crew Trainer at Turan Drilling & Engineering, and Leyla Gojayeva, the Training and Development Administrator, along with ASOIU staff and students. During the seminar, Barrie Wainwright, Rig Crew Trainer at Turan Drilling & Engineering, delivered a presentation on "First Day Offshore." He provided a comprehensive overview of the initial day on an offshore oil platform, discussing subjects such as accommodation, dining, internal regulations, the working environment, and safety guidelines at sea.

The seminar concluded with a Q&A session, addressing students' questions.

