

News 30 Oct 2023
Materials of the International Conference on Complex Computational Ecosystems published by the Springer journal

The proceedings of the First International Conference on Complex Computational Ecosystems, CCE 2023, jointly organized by French-Azerbaijani University - UFAZ, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, and University of Strasbourg, held in Baku, Azerbaijan from April 25 to 27, 2023, have been published by Springer.

This volume features 16 full papers and 4 keynote abstracts, meticulously chosen from a pool of 46 submissions. The contents delve into trans-disciplinary challenges that bridge theoretical inquiries with empirical observations of multi-level and multi-modal computational ecosystems.

For more details: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-44355-8

CCE Conference website: https://cce-2023.ufaz.az/
