

News 30 Oct 2023
Seminar on Cybersecurity conducted at ASOIU

On October 30, a seminar on "Innovations in Information Technologies and Cybersecurity" was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) by IT Brains Academy.

During the seminar, which was attended by students from the Information Technologies and Control Faculty (ITCF), Aytaj Nasibova, a specialist in digital marketing at IT Brains Academy, provided an overview of the seminar.

Following this, the founder of IT Brains Academy, Orhan Mammadov, presented on "Understanding IT and Its Directions," DevOps engineer Zamig Aliyev discussed "New Trends in Information Technologies," and Academy instructor Azar Malikov spoke on the topic of "Cybersecurity."

The session concluded with a Q&A segment where students' inquiries were addressed.
