

News 02 Nov 2023
UFAZ first-year students received Unistra Student ID Cards

On November 1, 2023, UFAZ first-year students received their Unistra student cards during the annual traditional event with the participation of the ASOIU Acting Rector Assoc. Prof. Vazeh Asgarov, UFAZ Acting Executive Director Latifa Nasibova and Secretary General Elizaveta Bydanova.

Upon welcoming the students, UFAZ Acting Director Latifa Nasibova introduced the ceremony's program, emphasizing UFAZ's distinctive feature: its students are dually registered at both Strasbourg University and the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University and will receive two diplomas upon graduation.

ASOIU Acting Rector Vazeh Asgarov extended his heartfelt congratulations on receiving Unistra student cards and encouraged students to embrace the diverse opportunities available to them and make the most of the support and resources provided by both institutions.

Later, Secretary General Elizaveta Bydanova delivered a brief presentation and informed the audience with the University of Strasbourg, its history and education provided in the direction of research, innovation and entrepreneurship.

During the ceremony, the winners of Movsum Bay Khanlarov scholarship were also announced and awarded with certificates. To recall, the scholarship is granted with the purpose of motivating students and helping them with financial aid. It covers an academic semester and is funded by the state budget.

At the end, all students were distributed the Unistra cards.
