

News 03 Nov 2023
New laboratory opened at ASOIU

On November 3, the "Measurement-Control and Management Laboratory" was inaugurated at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The opening ceremony of the laboratory, functioning under the Department of Instrumentation within the Faculty of Information Technology and Control (FITC), was attended by ASOIU's Acting Rector, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov; the Dean of FITC, Associate Professor Farid Agayev; the Head of the Instrumentation Department, Professor Lala Bakirova, alongside doctoral students and staff.

Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov expressed hope that the newly opened laboratory would significantly contribute to the practical application and advancement of scientific work.

Professor Lala Bakirova, the Head of the Instrumentation Engineering Department, presented information about the laboratory's capabilities and the modern measurement and control devices installed. She emphasized the laboratory's vital role in enriching practical content within the department. Bakirova highlighted that bachelor's and master's students could apply temperature, level, and pressure measurements practically, alongside controlling actuators like motors, valves, heaters, etc., through PLC and HMI programming.

Dean of FITC, Associate Professor Farid Agayev, emphasized the laboratory's role in enabling students and young researchers to leverage practical insights and swiftly adopt various research and problem-solving methodologies in the field.

It's worth noting that in equipping the newly established laboratory, Huseynov Samed, Head of Automatic Control Systems and Information Technologies at 'Sentra'; Ruslan Mammadov, an Electrical Engineer from 'BP'; Eljan Aliyev, an Electronics and Automation Engineer from 'PROETA Packaging Equipment'; and Stanislav Aghametov, an expert in process automation from Aviation Services Group, were directly involved. Guests attending the laboratory's opening expressed their sustained interest in the execution of such projects.
