

News 03 Nov 2023
Invited professors conducted a seminar for ASOIU students

On November 3, UFAZ invited professors Cecilia Zanni-Merck and Igor Peretta, conducted seminars for students at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

During separate sessions held in different lecture halls covering diverse topics, Cecilia Zanni-Merck presented a comprehensive lecture on "Research on Artificial Intelligence," sharing contemporary and novel approaches with students in this field and addressing their questions.

Meanwhile, Igor Peretta conducted a seminar on “The basics of neurocomputing: Study of artificial neural networks” for third and fourth-year students at the Faculty of Information Technology and Control (FITC). As an expert investigating the emulation of neurons in computers, basics for artificial neural networks, and machine learning applications shaping society's views on Artificial Intelligence, he shared his experience with the students in this domain.
