

News 06 Nov 2023
Presentation of the book "Vətən yaşasın deyə" dedicated to martyrs held at ASOIU

On November 6, a book presentation took place at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) in the AzII e-Book House. During the book presentation ceremony of "Vətən yaşasın deyə" ("For the Sake of the Motherland") by Joshgun Haliloglu (Ibrahimli), where ASOIU had four martyred alumni involved, the event was attended by ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, the Dean of the Faculty of Geological Exploration, Associate Professor Namad Pashayev, Director of the AzII e-Book House, Salakhat Mahmudova, the Dean of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production, Professor Elman Iskandarov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Power Engineering, Gulaya Mammadova, the author of the book, member of the Union of Azerbaijani Writers (UAW), poet, honorary oilman, Head of the SOCAR's Complex Drilling Operations department, Joshgun Haliloglu, UAW member, and the Director of "Shirvan" Publishing, Gasam Isabayli, including the university's academic staff and students.

The director of the AzII e-Book House, S. Mahmudova, opened the event by greeting the participants and providing general information about the book.

Subsequently, the Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor L. Gardashova, and the deans shared their thoughts on the book. The speakers highly appreciated the book, which contains memories of ASOIU's four martyred alumni, and expressed gratitude to the author.

Following this, the book's author, J. Haliloglu, informed the participants about the book published in 2023. He explained that "Vətən yaşasın deyə" elaborates on the heroism demonstrated by our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the liberation of our lands during the 44-day Second Karabakh War, emphasizing their honorable paths. The book includes poems and information dedicated to 80 martyrs, among them ASOIU's four alumni martyrs - Shahgunduz Jabbarov, Teymur Rasulov, Oktay Aghabayev, and Ali Hasanli.
