

News 07 Nov 2023
Book exhibition dedicated to "November 8 - Victory Day" held at the AzII e-Book House

November 6th and 7th, a book exhibition titled "November 8 - Victory Day," dedicated to the anniversary of our glorious victory, was organized at the AzII e-Book House. The exhibition includes valuable print examples reflecting the condition of Azerbaijani territories exposed to Armenian vandalism over 30 years, and the liberation of our lands from Armenian occupation at the cost of the blood of our Armed Forces, soldiers, and officers under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev.

In general, the exhibition displayed nearly a hundred print materials reflecting the historical triumph of the 44-day Patriotic War, achieved through the sacrifice and determination of our heroes who perished in the battles for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The showcased books, journals, and photos illustrated the paths of heroism undertaken by our martyrs and the united efforts of our brave sons rising in defense of the just war to defeat the enemy. Materials such as "Victory Chronicle," "Hello Azerbaijan," "The Dark History of Karabakh," books dedicated to the martyred alumni of ASOIU, and others honoring our heroes were prominently featured at the exhibition.
