

News 18 Sep 2017
Rector of ASOIU meets with UFAZ students

On September 18 Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) Professor Mustafa Babanli met with the students of the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ). UFAZ Director Vazeh Asgarov and UFAZ General Secretary Charlotte Payen took part in the meeting as well. 

Talking about the statistical indicators for 2016/2017 academic year, Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli said the interest for UFAZ had noticeably increased, according to the results obtained in the new academic year. Thus, if the number of prospective students applying to UFAZ accounted for 315 in the previous year, the number of applicants reached 423 in 2017. The Rector noted that 147 students will be studying in the 1st year of UFAZ in the new academic year, stressing that they are now the students of both the University of Strasbourg and ASOIU. Saying that UFAZ students have been provided with the best conditions of a democratic environment, the Rector pointed out that the students should appropriate this attention to the greatest possible extent and work hard on themselves. Speaking about the examination process, the Rector also mentioned that the studies will be conducted in English and emphasized the significance of assimilating the technical English language. He informed the attendees that the students with the best results at the end of the academic year will be sent to a 2-week long trip at the University of Strasburg and recommended the students to seize this opportunity and demonstrate their knowledge.

At the end of the meeting, the Rector wished students success in the new academic year and answered to their questions.
