

News 17 Nov 2023
The cooperation memorandum signed between ASOIU and "AzəriMed" CJSC

On November 17, a meeting was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) with the "AzəriMed" Closed Joint-Stock Company (CJSC).

The meeting was attended by the Acting Rector of ASOIU, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, the Head of the Instrumentation Engineering department at ASOIU, Professor Lala Bakirova, the Head of "AzəriMed" CJSC, Famil Rahimli, the representative delegation, vice-rectors, university faculty, and students.

Professor Lala Bakirova provided information to the participants about the existing cooperation between ASOIU and "AzəriMed" CJSC and the students' practical experience in production.

Acting Rector of ASOIU, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, welcomed the guests and congratulated the participants on National Revival Day. Emphasizing that expanding relations with institutions is one of the university's top priorities, he highlighted the importance of bilateral cooperation and expressed confidence that the newly signed memorandum would play a crucial role in further developing beneficial collaboration.

Expressing his satisfaction with being at ASOIU, Famil Rahimli, the Head of "AzəriMed" CJSC, congratulated the participants on National Revival Day and said that there are all the conditions for further development of collaboration. He expressed hope for a successful outcome and discussed prospective projects, emphasizing his positive outlook for joint achievements.

In the end, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the parties.
