

News 17 Nov 2023
Conducting the V International Scientific-Practical Symposium on Biomedical Engineering at ASOIU

On November 17, at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), the V International Scientific-Practical Symposium on "Innovations in Biomedical Technologies," dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, took place.

Organized by the Instrumentation Department, the symposium on "Innovations in Biomedical Technologies" occurred both online and offline with representatives from over 10 countries, including Türkiye, Kazakhstan, France, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, Ukraine, Germany, Russia, Estonia, and local universities, clinics, and medical service centers. The symposium featured over 30 presentations.

During the opening ceremony, ASOIU's Acting Rector, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, emphasized the significance of the symposium in exploring innovations and achievements in biomedical technologies and extended his best wishes for its successful conduct.

ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, discussed the exchange of experience among specialists in biomedical technology, the development of scientific potential, and the role of mutual idea exchange. She wished success to the symposium in achieving its goals.

Director of the "Alim" Scientific Association, Gunel Safarova, highlighted the importance of the symposium in studying innovations in biomedical technologies and global experience. Representatives of the association from Sweden, the UAE, and France also made presentations.

The Head of the Instrumentation Engineering Department, Professor Lala Bakirova, emphasized the special significance of dedicating the symposium to the 100th anniversary of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev. She provided detailed information about the symposium and underscored its goal of studying achievements in biomedical technologies.

In the hybrid-format symposium, presentations from doctoral, master's, and bachelor's students and graduates were listened to, and participants engaged in discussions. The guests concluded by highly appreciating the work of the International Symposium, emphasizing the relevance and scientific importance of the chosen topic.
