

News 18 Nov 2023
Acting Rector of ASOIU meets with students

On November 18, Acting Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, conducted a meeting with students.

During the informal conversation held over tea with active ASOIU students, there was an exchange of ideas regarding the state of education and teaching at the university, innovations, prospective projects related to education, upcoming programs, specific goals, and other relevant matters.

While discussing the ongoing work's achievements and educational development, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov informed the students that all necessary conditions are in place for them to receive a quality education at ASOIU. He attentively listened to the students' suggestions and requests concerning the university's activities and improvements in the teaching and education process, providing answers to their questions.

Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov advised the young individuals to maximize the opportunities available at ASOIU and shape themselves as professional specialists, while also extending his best wishes for their success.
