

News 20 Nov 2023
ASOIU professor visits Yildiz Technical University in Türkiye

From November 14 to 17, the head of the Substances and Technology of High Molecular Compounds department at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Prof. Fariz Amirli, visited Yildiz Technical University, one of the renowned universities in the Republic of Türkiye.

During the visit, official meetings were held at the "Faculty of Chemical Metallurgy" and the "Department of Food Engineering." Meetings mainly focused on the extensive discussion of subjects taught in the field of "Food Engineering" at both universities. Discussions took place with the dean of the faculty, Prof. Osman Sağdıç, the head of the department, Prof. Esen Dertli, Assoc. Prof. Ömer Said Toker, and other faculty members. F. Amirli acquainted himself with the teaching and research laboratories related to the specialty and met with students studying in the same field, observed the educational process, and engaged in discussions.

Professor Fariz Amirli also met with Azerbaijani students studying in the field of "Food Engineering" at Yildiz Technical University, engaging in interesting conversations.
