

News 20 Sep 2017
Meeting with first-year students of the Faculty of Chemical Technology held at ASOIU

On September 20 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a meeting with the freshmen of the Faculty of Chemical Technology. The meeting was attended by ASOIU Vice-Rector for educational affairs Associate Professor Ata Babayev, Chairman of the Student Trade Union Committee (STUC) Namig Ganjayev and Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology Associate Professor Fattah Hashimov.

Making an opening statement, ASOIU Vice-Rector for educational affairs A. Babayev congratulated the youth and wished them success in their studies. Introducing the students to disciplines of ASOIU, the Vice-Rector recommended them to be disciplined and well-prepared for classes. A. Babayev noted that being disciplined is the key to success in education. Then Vice-Rector Associate Professor A. Babayev talked about the favorable conditions at the university which will enable the students to obtain a high-quality education and appropriate a deep knowledge.

STUC Chairman N. Ganjayev emphasized that hundreds of famous and educated people had graduated from ASOIU, adding that the Student Trade Union Committee is the first and only organization that brings together all the students of the university. N. Ganjayev provided a detailed information on the clubs that operate within the university to help the students to spend their leisure time productively. N. Ganjayev said that each student may join and take active participation in “Ganjlik” song and dance ensemble, “Magnat” intellectual club, “Club of funny and resourceful people” (KVN), as well as “ASOIU Debate club” and sports club.

At the end of the event, the students received answers to their questions.
